#1 2010-10-28 21:31:27

Mieux que vous
Registered: 2010-10-25
Posts: 35

A server for Bisounours

Hello people !

Myself, Shepard, known as Solid Snake on the Site du Zéro, leader of my Multigaming proufly offer a Bisounours Party v4 server !

Download the latest version of Bisounours Party and come play on our server by clicking here.

Server not available 24h/24h but it is 7d/7d in French holidays.

The server runs all DM and DOM maps.

Rules of the server : No cheat and keep a good altitulde.

The -/TFH\- (The Frags Hunters) are waiting for you.


Il y a t-il un rapport entre Pedobears et Chuck Norris ?


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