Bisounours Party 5
You are just steps away from playing Bisounours Party. Follow these instructions to install and start playing Bisounours Party!
You can click on each step to get extra information about it.
+ Download and install Steam
Steam is a software made by Valve that lets millions of players buy and play games. It's also used to start mods such as Bisounours Party.
+ Download and install Source SDK Base 2007
The Source SDK Base 2007 is the base game used by any mod. It contains base content and the engine binaries. It is vital to Bisounours Party and is free to anyone with a steam account.
+ Download and install Bisounours Party 5
Multiple mirrors are available, please chose one:
+ Restart Steam
Steam must be restarted before the completion of the installation. If Bisounours Party does not appear in your game list, please make sure you have restarted Steam. Otherwise, you can seek help on our forum.
+ Update the game
We release updates for the game regularly, adding new content and fixing bugs. The installer will offer you to update once the game is installed, otherwise the game installer can be found inside C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/SourceMods/bpr/bin/updater.exe .
Installing a Dedicated server
Bisounours Party is compatible with both windows and linux. To install a dedicated server, please use the resources at This guide will mostly cover installing Bisounours Party on a Linux host as installing on windows is a matter of copying your local installation into your hlds folder.
Once you have set up srcds, you need to use it to install the Orangebox content. You can do that easily using the following command under the srcds directory :
steam -command update -game orangebox -dir .
Once that orangebox is installed, go to the newly created orangebox folder and install bisounours party. You can do that by using the following commands :
tar -xjvf bisounoursparty_dedicated.tar.bz2
You now need to run the updater script. It is located under bpr/bin and is called The script requires python 2.6+ and pylzma. The updater will continue and complete the installation. It also ensures your game is up to date so we advise running it regularly even if all new updates are announced on the forum and the mailing list.
If your installation of Bisounours Party did not include the updater script, you can get it here.
Bisounours Party 4.1
To download Bisounours Party 4.1, you have the choice between using Desura or downloading the game on ModDB.